Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2013 Spring Cleanse

It's that time of year again!

Please join me for my annual Spring Cleanse.

Click here for more details and to sign up.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Backyard Edibles

"One is tempted to say that the most human plants, after all, are the weeds." -- John Burroughs

Summer is here, my friends! It's a time to celebrate. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and flowers are in full bloom creating a kaleidoscope of colors.
My gardens are going crazy this year. I've got spinach leaves about twice the size of my palms and my squash plants look like they belong in a jungle. It is such a joy to have an abundance of fresh, organic produce for my green smoothies every morning. 
I've also been foraging in my own backyard and nearby hiking trails for wild edibles. Yes, most of those pesky weeds, are in fact, medicinal plants! Foraging for these wild gems is a great way to add variety to your diet. It's an amazing and empowering feeling to walk around and pick a weed or a flower and eat it.  It really doesn't get much fresher than that! Here are a few "weeds" growing in my backyard.  Maybe you can identify some of these in your area. Please keep in mind, however, that if you're not sure about something, DON'T EAT IT! Some things could be poisonous and it is better to be safe than sorry. There are plenty of books available on how to identify these plants or take an herb walk class in your area. You will be pleased to know there is plenty of FREE and nutritious food growing all around.

Dandelion -  Every part of this delicious little plant is edible. Known as a powerful detoxifyer. It has been know to help with:
  • Constipation
  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Arthritis
  • Edema (swollen ankles)
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gout
  • Gallstones
  • High blood pressure
  • Digestion problems

According to the USDA Bulletin #8, "Composition of Foods" (Haytowitz and Matthews 1984), dandelions rank in the top 4 green vegetables in overall nutritional value. Minnich, in "Gardening for Better Nutrition" ranks them, out of all vegetables, including grains, seeds and greens, as tied for 9th best. According to these data, dandelions are nature's richest green vegetable source of beta-carotene, from which Vitamin A is created, and the third richest source of Vitamin A of all foods, after cod-liver oil and beef liver! They also are particularly rich in fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and the B vitamins, thiamine and riboflavin, and are a good source of protein.

I like to use the young leaves in a salad or smoothie. The larger leaves are more bitter. I usually saute them with a little garlic and onion. 
You can also make dandelion wine, tinctures, vinegar, salves, dandelion honey or dry it and use it in teas or soups. I recently made a batch or dandelion vinegar. Good remedy for digestion. 

Mallow - Leaves, flowers  and roots of this common little plant are edible.  The leaves, dark-green and coarse, are a powerhouse of minerals and vitamins (calcium, iron, vitamin C, copper traces and more) and an abundant, free source of organic nutrition. Mallow makes a good demulcent tea for coughs, hoarseness, bronchitis, inflammation of the larynx and tonsils, and irritation of the respiratory passages. It can also be taken for laryngitis, emphysema, and lung mucus. Externally, a decoction can be used to wash wounds and sores. Make a poultice of the herb to soothe irritations and inflammations.

Purslane - This one is my favorite. It grows all over my lawn. I stopped using a gas lawn mower so I could pick and eat these without worrying about toxic gas fumes.  Puslane is one of the richest sources of omega fatty acids you can eat. Purslane just happens to contain alpha-linolenic acid, one of the highly sought-after Omega-3 fatty acids. Why pay money for fish oil when you can grow your own Omega-3 fatty acids as part of your edible landscaping? Purslane is also a rich source of vit. C, A and some B complex vitamins. It houses and abundance of minerals. This succulant little plant is a powerhouse of nutrients! It can be used fresh in salads and smoothies or cooked into soups or stir-fry. It is super delicious!

Horsetail -The mineral rich hair, skin and nail herb. Contains the highest amount of silica of any plant. Silica forms collagen, a protein found in the skin, bones, cartilage, ligaments and connective tissues. Silica also helps bind protein molecules to many tissues in the body. The silica content helps strengthen weak, brittle, damaged hair, giving it vitality and shine with regular use. Also said to help stop tooth decay. I ingested a teaspoon of powdered horsetail daily for two weeks (as per my herb teacher) and successfully got rid of a cavity! Also great for achy knees and joints! Make into a tea or tincture (more on how to tincture later).  Horsetail is usually found around streams or lakes.

Milk thistle - most people are familiar with this herb as a remedy for liver and gall bladder problems.  The active ingredient -- the one that protects the liver -- in milk thistle is known as silymarin. Silymarin is actually a group of flavonoids (silibinin, silidianin, and silicristin), which are thought to help repair liver cells damaged by alcohol and other toxic substances. Silymarin also keeps new liver cells from being destroyed by these same toxins. It reduces inflammation (which is why it is often suggested for people with liver inflammation or hepatitis), and is a strong antioxidant.
I like it best as a tea or tincture. Sometimes I grind up the seeds and add them to my smoothies or salads.
Last year I missed milk thistle harvest as I had none in my backyard. I was a little disappointed. This year, a volunteer milk thistle has blessed my garden. Ask and ye shall receive! 

Mullein - a fine medicinal for the lungs, even when you smoke it. It soothes inflamed or infected lungs, and prevents coughing until infection or inflammation is broken. Then it aids in expectoration, helping to break up congestion and promote "effective" coughing. It was smoked to stop the coughing of tuberculosis years ago. It is wonderful for any kind of lung cleansing. Very gentle and non-toxic, you can use it anytime.

Mullein drying in my sunroom

Plantain - I know when I first heard of this herb, I envisioned a banana! But the common plantain is a small wild plant with leaves that grow mostly from the plant's bottom. It is found growing naturally in the lawns, and backyards and along the roads. Among its many qualities, the common plantain is popular as a healer of wounds and injuries as well as a remedy for most poisons. In addition, the herb is known as a ‘body purifier’ and cleans the system of heat, congestion as well as all toxic elements. It is also a good remedy to stop bleeding. If you're ever out in the woods and you get a cut, find some plantain and slap it on there. It should stop the bleeding quickly.
It can be used fresh in juices and smoothies, or made into a tincture, poultice, ointment or syrup.

Watercress - I was so excited when I found this spicy little plant growing by a nearby spring where I love to hike.  I recently learned from a friend of mine that owns the Medicine Tea House here in Taos, that watercress is the highest in zinc of all the plant kingdom. She uses it in an herbal tea remedy that contains herbs with all your vitamins and minerals from A to Z.  She said watercress is so precious b/c it is hard to find a substitute for it's zinc content. I usually make this into a soup or salad as it is a little to spicy for my taste for smoothies.

Lamb's Quarters  - Great source of minerals. I grew up eating this weed. We knew it as wild spinach or calites.  I like it best sauted with garlic and onions.

Scarlet Globemallow or Yerba de la Negrita - One of the most popular herbs used by Native Americans for washing and conditioning hair. I have been using it to make a hair oil to promote growth and enhance shine. I also made a vinegar to use as a hair rinse.

I'm curious... what wild herbs do you have growing in your backyard? How do you use them?
I will soon post recipes on how to use these herbs. I will also show you how to save money by making your own tinctures, vinegars and salves.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Live Green Smoothie Challenge

I want to thank you all who joined my live January Green Smoothie Challenge.
I was honestly overwhelmed with the number of ppl that signed up and all the positive feedback i've received.  We are half-way there! Keep drinking your greens!

For those of you that are visiting my page for the first time, you may have missed the live challenge, but it's not too late to sign up for your own 30 day challenge. Check out the tab labeled Green Smoothie Challenge to sign up or get more info.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Green Smoothie Challenge

Do you want to Lose Weight, Increase Energy Levels, Look Radiant, Cut Sugar Cravings and Feel AMAZING? 

If no, stop reading now. You won't like what you see. 

If you answered YES, then you've come to the right place. You are a green health-conscious superhero in the making! This is going to make you fly to places you've never been before!

What if 30 days is all it took to change your life FOREVER? Well, according to Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles and Chicken Soup for the Soul, it takes 30 consecutive days of doing something for it to become a regular, solid part of your daily routine.


What is a 30 day Green Smoothie Challenge?

Beginning January 1st, you will drink at least one green smoothie everyday for the next 30 days and watch an amazing transformation happen. You will discover a NEW you!  This is not about making any drastic changes. In fact, you don't have to give up anything. All you have to do is make one simple addition, add a GREEN SMOOTHIE to your daily diet.
What better time to do this than right after the holidays. If you're like most people, you've probably put on a few extra pounds and have a New Years Resolution of getting your body back. Well, here's your chance! It's Fun, Simple, and Effective.  You will find that incredible things will begin to happen in your body which will lead to incredible things happening in your life.

What do I need to get started?

Well, as you probably read in my previous post, Green Smoothies, you need a good blender, fresh greens and fresh or frozen fruit.  Of course a more powerful blender like the Vita-Mix will produce smoother, creamier smoothies, but if it's not in your budget right now, no worries, just use more water and blend for a longer period of time. Don't use it as an excuse not to get started.

What about recipes?

When you sign up, you will get a copy of my e-recipe book with over fifty green smoothie recipes categorized into easy to follow sections, such as sweet smoothies, savory smoothies, children favorites, low sugar, and superfood smoothies. Also included are tips, ideas and a galore of nutritional information such as proper food combining, eating a variety of greens, menu planning, grocery lists, calender, etc. 

What kind of support will I get?

In addition to the recipe book, every day of the challenge I will send you support emails with more recipes, fresh ideas, tips, inspiration and specific nutritional topics.  If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions or just want to share your story, I encourage you to email me. You will also receive a 30 day calender to post on your fridge to remind you of your green smoothies.  
I encourage you to take a before/after photo and keep a journal of your progress. There will also be fun contests, games and surprises for you.

How much does it cost?

I've kept the price affordable so that ANYONE can sign up and reap the benefits of RADIANT health.  It only costs $20 to participate. That is less than $1 per day!  This is WAY less than what most people spend on a starbucks coffee and a muffin everyday.

In today's diseased filled world we crave better health and our bodies cry out for better nutrition.  Give your body a chance to heal. At first the greens may not be your favorite, but as you drink/eat more, your body will start to crave them. Over time as your body becomes accustomed to such incredible nutrition you will want to eat more living foods.


Sign Me Up!


Don't Believe Me - Believe in Yourself! 

Family Support

Children love Green Smoothies! 

Another fabulous thing about Green Smoothies is that children love them! I can't think of a better way to get our finicky little eaters to get a variety greens.  Try to involve your child in making smoothies with you, maybe even coming up with their own creations. Make it fun for them. I've created theme smoothies for our little guy. We have the "Green Transformer," the "Incredible Hulk" and the "Green Chocolate," just to name a few. I've noticed that if he is allowed to add things to the blender or get the fruit and veggies ready, he is more likely to drink them up.

So, why not include your entire family in on the challenge. I believe you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Help me reach my GOAL...

My goal is that we get 1,000 people to sign up for the challenge. I would like to reach at least one person in each state. Can you imagine how many lives this could change for the better? It could be a Green Smoothie Revolution!  Now, I don't know people in all of our 50 beautiful states, but I'm sure you do. So pass the word. There is power in numbers. One is more likely to stick to a program if they have support. Of course, you will be getting plenty of cheering and support from yours truly, but getting your friends, family and co-workers involved might be just what you need to stay on track for 30 days. 

A large portion of proceeds will go to funding a bigger mission coming up this spring, on raising awareness to the alarming increase of childhood diabetes and obesity in our country. It is our hope to bring nutritional guidance and support to more schools and hospitals across the country. It's a big task, so, by signing up you are not only making a difference in your life, but you are helping to support an important cause.

Also, we can't forget to keep our planet green. I will be donating 5% of all proceeds to the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (www.ftpr.org). Together we can help them reach their goal to collectively plant 18 billion fruit trees for a healthy planet (approximately 3 for every person alive). Fruit trees heal the environment by cleaning the air, improving soil quality, preventing erosion, creating animal habitat, sustaining valuable water sources, and providing healthy nutrition.

Sign Me Up!

Green Smoothies

You're Drinking your WHAT?!?

Most of us know the value of eating raw/living greens, but the thought of eating salads everyday is just plain boring. Really, how many ways can one prepare a salad and not get tired of it? Lets face it, the combinations are limited.  And then there is the chewing. We've all heard it, we should chew our food until it is liquid "mush" before swallowing and having another bite. This ensures that it is properly digested and we are able to absorb the nutrients properly. Chewing greens is especially important because the nutrients within the greens plant are contained with outer cellulose. The cellulose is extremely tough in order to survive. To release all the valuable nutrients from within the cells, the cell walls need to be ruptured to release the nutrients of the green plant. OMG, this could take an hour just to finish a meal!  I don't know about you all, but I"m a busy gal. I don't always have time to sit for an hour or so for a nutritious meal.

I WANT to Eat Healthy, but where do I Start?

So what is the solution if you're trying to eat healthy and avoid the temptations of fast food hell?!? As with most things in my life, I needed a solution, put the energy out to the universe, and voila - I was sitting in my shared massage office waiting for a client, when I came across a book on our bookshelf called Greens for Life, by Victoria Boutenko. Ah! The power of MANIFESTATION! I love it!

Victoria found that GREENS were the missing link in human nutrition. Through the research she found on wild chimpanzees, was their 40% green diet.
Chimps consume approx:
  • 50% Fruits
  • 40% Greens And Blossoms
  • 9% Pith, Bark, Seeds
  • 1% Insects And Animal (once in a while)
Standard American Human Diet consists of approx:
  • 60% Rice, Potato, Bread, And Pasta
  • 5% Greens
  • 5% Vegetables
  • 1% Fruits
  • 25% Animal Protein
  • 4% Oils
Typical Raw-Foodist Diet consists of approx:
  • 45% Fruit
  • 18% Vegetables
  • 16% Nuts And Seeds
  • 15% Avocados And Oils
  • 6% Greens 

According to Victoria Boutenko greens are the primary food group that match human nutritional needs most completely.


Enter Green Smoothie

The most simple, fast, easy way to get our greens. I call it Liquid Sunshine in a glass. Maybe you are asking just what a green smoothie is. The answer is rather simple. A green smoothie includes two main ingredients - fruit and greens.  Blend this up until smooth and you have a nutritious meal loaded with an abundance of vitamins, minerals antioxidants, phytonutrients, amino acids (the building blocks of protein), and chlorophyll. They are also full of fiber which your body needs for proper waster elimination.

Of course this has to be tasty if you're going to drink it right? After all they do look a bit like pond sludge, but don't be fooled, they taste AMAZING. Typically, for newbies, the ration is 60% fruit to 40% greens. As your taste buds adjust, you will want to add more greens and less fruit. 


Benefits of Green Smoothies

People that have added green smoothies as a regular part of their diet report:

* more energy
* less body aches and pain
* normalized blood sugar
* reduced or "cured" insomnia
* increased libido
* clearer thought
* better vision
* regular bowel movements
* less acne
* less illness
* easy weight loss
* reduced craving for coffee and caffeine

... and the positive benefits goes on.

Do I need a fancy blender?

Oftentimes the difference between:
"GROSS! A green smoothie"
"Yummy! Pour me another" is not the recipe but rather the texture. Chunky smoothies are not always palatable.

However, no worries, a good old regular blender will get you started, you will just have to put your ingredients in slowly, add more water and blend for a longer time. However, once you become a green smoothie addict like me, you’ll be dreaming of the ultimate green smoothie machine, the Vita-Mix or Blendtec Blender.  I have both, and personally I prefer the Vita-Mix. Both will take you to SMOOTHIE heaven. But like I mentioned before, a regular household blender will get the job done!  DO NOT let your old blender stop you. Your health must be affordable!

Green Smoothie Challenge
Alrighty my new green smoothie converts. Are you ready to put this info to the test? Ready to make a change? Then what are you waiting for? Sign up now for my Green Smoothie Challenge. Lets get GREEN and LEAN together!  When you sign up, you'll get my new ebook with over 50 green smoothie recipes and tips and a calender to track your progress. You'll also receive daily emails and videos from me with more tips, inspiration and information to help you stick to the challenge.  For more information visit my Green Smoothie Challenge Posting.

Sign Me Up!

Monday, November 15, 2010


CHOCOLATE... the very word evokes euphoric feelings of bliss for this melt in your mouth little taste of heavenly yummy goodness. Mmmm...mmmm...mmm... I LOVE CHOCOLATE!

So what is it about this mouth watering delightful indulgence that makes us feel so GOOD?  One is an adrenal-related chemical called Phenylethylamine (PEA).  This chemical is created within the brain and released when we are in love. This is one of the reasons why LOVE and CHOCOLATE are so intertwined. PEA also plays a role in increasing focus and alertness.  Researchers have discovered that phenylethylamine (PEA) has a positive effect in enhancing feelings of love.  

Secondly, chocolate also contains a neurotransmitter called anandamide. Anandamide is known as "The Bliss Chemical" because it is released while we are feeling great. Cacao contains enzyme inhibitors that decrease our bodies' ability to breakdown anandamide. This means that natural anandamide and/or cacao anandamide may stick around longer, making us feel good longer, when we eat cacao.

It also contains Tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is transformed into important stress-protective neurotransmitters including serotonin and melatonin.

Chocolate as a SUPERFOOD?
Yes, chocolate is actually healthy for us. It contains the following important nutrients:
Chromium -  the cacao bean is the number one source of any major food. Chromium balances blood sugar. Very important for hypoglycemia and other blood sugar imbalances. 
Manganese: Manganese is an essential trace mineral. Manganese helps assist iron in the oxygenation of the blood and formation of hemoglobin. Important mineral for enzymatic reactions of our cells, our immune system and the overall proper functioning of our nervous system.
Magnesium:  chocolate is the number one natural source of magnesium of any major food in the world. Coincidentally, this is the number one mineral deficiency  in the western world. Magnesium deficiency is linked with hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, joint problems and pre-menstrual tension (PMS). 

Zinc: Zinc is an essential trace mineral. Zinc plays a critical role in the immune system, liver, pancreas, and skin. Additionally, zinc is involved in thousands of enzymatic reactions throughout the human body.
Copper: Copper is an essential trace mineral. Copper is found naturally in plants with vitamin C. In the human body, copper helps to build healthy blood.
Vitamin C: Cacao must be raw to contain vitamin C. All cooked and processed chocolate has no vitamin C. A one ounce (28 gram) serving of Cacao Nibs supplies 21% of the U.S. RDA of Vitamin C.

Omega 6 Fatty Acids: Cacao contains essential omega 6 fatty acids. All COOKED and processed chocolate contains rancid omega 6 fatty acids (trans-fat) that can cause an inflammatory reaction when one eats cooked chocolate.
Iron: According to the website, Nutritiondata.com, a one ounce serving of dark chocolate contains 19 percent of the US RDA for iron. Yet an ounce of beef only contains 3 percent. According to Mr. Wolfe, you'd be hard pressed to find any nut or seed or vegetable, anything that has as much iron as CACAO has. Hmm....

According to David Wolfe, author of Naked Chocolate, chocolate is the number one WEIGHT LOSS FOOD. It's the number one appetite suppressant.  Now that's a big one to swallow. Chocolate and Weight Loss? According to David, it's absolutely true.  In his opinion, the cacao bean (where chocolate comes from) is the most NUTRITIOUS food in the world. 

It is The ULTIMATE antioxidant treat.  Antioxidants are intimately involved in the prevention of cellular damage. Unprocessed Chocolate has one of the highest antioxidant concentrations of any food!

A piece of chocolate a day, just might keep the doctor away. 
In fact, one of the oldest thriving Raw Foodists, Bernardo LaPallo, recently celebrated his 109th birthday. When asked what were the five foods that kept him going, this is what he said: "Garlic, olive oil, cinnamon, CHOCOLATE and honey. Eat honey, you'll never get sick."
LaPallo hopes to live until he's at least 125-years old!
However, this doesn't apply to just ANY chocolate. Most chocolate is heat processed, which destroys most of these important nutrients.  You want to eat HIGH QUALITY, ORGANIC, COLD-PROCESSED/RAW CHOCOLATE.
Ok, so you might be wondering where you might get your hands on some of this delicious goodness. Well, your local health food store probably has some good choices, OR you can buy some raw cacao nibs or powder and make your own. I like to order mine from The Raw Food World. However, I've found that making that perfect "snappy" texture of a raw chocolate bar is not always easy. I've attempted it many times and succeeded only a few. I recently tried making some chocolate candy treats for Halloween. They were a DISASTER! My partner actually said it was the WORST chocolate he's tasted in his life! OUCH! But, I redeemed myself the next day by turning them into a RAW CHOCOLATE ALMOND MOUSSE PIE (see recipe below) that was OUT OF THIS WORLD! 

After that fiasco, I've decided to stick to the yummy recipes I know and enjoy, such as raw chocolate pies, cookies, elixirs, puddings and ice creams and leave the candy bars to the experts. My absolute FAVORITE is SACRED CHOCOLATE. Seriously friends, you HAVE to try this CHOCOLATE at least ONCE in your lifetime. It is ultimately the BEST I have ever tasted. I am confident you will agree. It is OUT OF THIS WORLD. Hard to believe it's good for you too.  My favorite so far is the Sacred Mylk. It's so SMOOTH, CREAMY and DELICIOUS! Ooo, don't forget about the TRUFFLES too. I'm afraid once you try these, you will never go back to your old Hershey bar again. So, why not give it a try. All it takes is replacing something you already enjoy, with a healthier, good-for-you version.

Chocolate Recipes
The "Best" Smoothie Ever
(Juaquin invented this delicious smoothie. He drinks one every single day. Kids love this one also!)

2 cups water, rice milk or almond milk
1/2 cup ice
1 avocado
1 TBS coconut oil
1 frozen banana
1-2 scoops Sun Warrior Protein
1 TBS raw cacao powder
1 tsp hemp oil
1/2 tsp. ashwaghanda (opt)
1/2 tsp. shilajit (opt)

Blend well and ENJOY!  

Chocolate Ganache
From "Raw Food Real World" by Sarma Melngailis and Matthew Kenney

2 1/4 cup maple syrup 

1 1/4 cup carob powder or cacao powder
1 cup coconut oil

Blend until smooth. 
NOTE: I found this a little too sweet for my taste, so I only used 2 cups maple syrup.
Pour into your favorite nut/date crust (I used walnuts, raw cacao powder, dates and coconut oil. Tasted just like a brownie!) I used a springform pan. Chill in fridge for 2 hours.

Chewy Chocolate Freezer Fudge 
From "Raw Food Real World" by Sarma Melngilis and Matthew Kenny
2 cups almond butter (one 16-ounce jar)
¼ cup raw cocoa powder (or use raw carob powder, or a combination of both)
½ cup plus 2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 heaping tablespoon coconut butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt

In a large bowl, combine the ingredients and stir well. You can also use a standing mixer with the paddle attachment, but it's more fun to do by hand.

Spoon the mixture into little candy molds, flatten with a spoon, and cover with parchment or wax paper. Or line a square baking pan with parchment or plastic. Place the fudge into the pan and cover the surface with parchment or wax paper, pressing down evenly to flatten. Place in the freezer to chill. If using the pan, remove from the freezer after an hour or so, flip it out of the pan onto a flat surface and cut into squares or rectangles. These should be stored, covered, in the freezer.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Raw Cultured Veggies

Do you suffer from candida, rash, digestive problems, tiredness after eating, and/or weight problems? If so, RAW CULTURED VEGGIES may be the answer you've been looking for.
I believe this is one of the most MEDICINAL and economical foods you could eat!

After learning about cultured foods from my colon hydrotherapist and Donna Gates, author of The Body Ecology Diet, I incorporated them into my diet and I feel AMAZING. It took me a while to get used to the "sour" flavor, but now I find that a meal isn't complete without them.
What are the benefits?

Cultured veggies are rich in probiotics, enzymes, and vitamins. These powerful superfoods help re-establish you inner ecosystem, stamp out candida related issues, help with weight loss, digestive issues, increase energy, boost the immune system, and curb sweet cravings! Wow - please pass the cultured veggies!

To buy or make my own? 

You can find cultured veggies or sauerkraut in most health food stores. However, don't make the mistake of buying the salted or pasteurized version sold in most supermarkets. This heating process destroys the valuable enzymes and nutrients. Make sure you are getting RAW cultured veggies made without heat or preservatives. Also, I've found that they are rather pricey and with the amount I eat everyday, making my own is the most viable option. Plus, I get to add lots and lots of LOVE to my batches.

How to make:

Basically, cultured veggies are made by shredding cabbage and/or other veggies then packing them tightly into an airtight container (I like to use jars) and letting them ferment on the counter for a few days.  So simple! The longer you leave them out, the more "sour" they become. You may want to start by letting them sit for 3 days or so and then letting them go longer as your taste buds adjust to the flavor.
During this process, the FRIENDLY bacteria naturally present in the veggies begin to multiply and create an acidic environment so they can reproduce. They convert the sugars and starches to lactic acid and partially digest the veggies, softening them or "pickling" them in the process.  It's incredible! Sometimes I can hear the sizzling and bubbling as these precious little life sparks are creating their magic. This is a good sign! They are ALIVE. Truly a LIVING FOOD! 
Once refrigerated, this process is slowed down, but does not stop completely. The veggies can sit in your fridge for months, and they will not spoil. They are like a fine wine, they get BETTER with age.

Check this website Wild Fermentation for loads of information on the health benefits of fermented foods and a host of resources to explore. 

I also found some great recipes and info at The Raw Diet. I have been making the ULTIMATE KimChi. It is so delicious I have to stop myself from eating it all before it ferments. Try it out!
Two Favorite Beginners Recipes from the Body Ecology Website:
Version 1
3 heads green cabbage, shredded in a food processor
1 bunch kale, chopped by hand
(optional): 2 cups wakame ocean vegetables (measured after soaking), drained, spine removed, and chopped
1 Tbsp. dill seed
Version 2
3 heads green cabbage, shredded in a food processor
6 carrots, large, shredded in a food processor
3 inch piece ginger, peeled and chopped
6 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

To make Cultured Vegetables

  1. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.
  2. Remove several cups of this mixture and put into a blender.
  3. Add enough filtered water to make a "brine" the consistency of a thick juice. Blend well and then add brine back into first mixture. Stir well.
  4. Pack mixture down into a 1½ quart glass or stainless steel container. Use your fist, a wooden dowel, or a potato masher to pack veggies tightly.
  5. Fill container almost full, but leave about 2 inches of room at the top for veggies to expand.
  6. Roll up several cabbage leaves into a tight "log" and place them on top to fill the remaining 2 inch space. Clamp jar closed.
  7. Let veggies sit at about a 70 degree room temperature for at least three days. A week is even better. Refrigerate to slow down fermentation. Enjoy!

To use Body Ecology's Culture Starter:

Dissolve one or two packages of starter culture in 1½ cup warm (90*) water. Add aproximately 1 tsp. of some form of sugar to feed the starter (try Rapadura, Sucanat, honey, Agave, or EcoBLOOM). Let starter/sugar mixture sit for about 20 minutes or longer while the L. Plantarum and other bacteria wake up and begin enjoying the sugar. Add this starter culture to the brine (step 3).

*Although no culture starter is absolutely required (I’ve successfully made cultured vegetables without them before), they’re great to use if you want to have more control over the specific strains of bacteria in your veggies.

Be creative! Once you master the basics, try using different veggie combinations. I love using KALE and seaweed. And as always, try to use ORGANIC, FRESH, well-washed veggies. 
Include at least 1/2 cup of veggies with every meal and FEEL THE DIFFERENCE! You will SHINE!