Spring Cleanse

When we think about spring cleaning, we tend to forget about our own bodies, but giving our bodies a spring cleanse more important than we think. We tend to eat heavier, richer foods in the winter. This can make us tired and groggy. Spring cleansing allows us to transition into lighter foods so that our energy levels can surge and we can better enjoy ourselves and the warmer weather. 

Cleansing is an effective way to:

Take the pressure off our digestive system. 

Rebalance your system and allow for deep healing.

Infuse your body with safe, natural vitamins and minerals in the most bio-available form almost instantly.  

Purge out toxins and reset our bodies. 

Boost your energy and vitality.

This is what you’ll get in my easy to follow cleanse kit:

  • Easy to follow two week cleansing plan, complete with recipes and shopping lists  
  • Premier Research HM Detox Caps 
  • Premier Research Medi-Clay Caps
  • Premier Cleanse for regularity and support
  • Premier Research Blue Green Detox Supplements
  • Triphala packet
  • My Green Smoothie Recipe Book
  • A step-by-step guide on how to cleanse safely and effectively
  • Access to an abundant list of health articles, recipes, audio interviews and videos
The cleanse is designed to be completed in three phases-
Phase 1: Transition off all sugar, gluten and processed foods.
Phase 2: Transition into only raw foods for deeper cleansing and liver detox.
Phase 3: Juice Feasting 

I have also set up a private "cleanse cafe" group, dedicated ONLY for people who participate in the cleanse. Again, this group is PRIVATE. No one outside of the group can see your posts or pictures. This is where you can get feedback, ask questions, share your successes, concerns or get clarification.

Not only will you get access to me, you’ll also get access to other participants. You can get and give support and make friends with other people who are going through the program. 

Sign Up NOW! 
This is an incredible value. A single session with a nutritionist can cost upwards of $150. 

The cost for the cleanse kit with supplements is $75 per person. 
The cost of the cleanse packet without supplements is $25.

Cleanse Kit

Cleanse Kit (no supplements

In today's diseased filled world we crave better health and our bodies cry out for better nutrition.  Give your body a chance to heal.  Over time as your body becomes accustomed to such incredible nutrition you will want to eat more living foods.


Don't Believe Me - Believe in Yourself! 

What do I need to get started?

Well, as you probably read in my previous post, Green Smoothies, you need a good blender. Of course a more powerful blender like the Vita-Mix will produce smoother, creamier smoothies, but if it's not in your budget right now, no worries, use what you have, just use more water and blend for a longer period of time. 

You'll also need a juicer, but if you don't have one, then I will teach you go to make your juices with a blender and a nut milk bag.

What about recipes?

When you sign up, you will get a copy of my e-recipe book with over fifty green smoothie recipes categorized into easy to follow sections, such as sweet smoothies, savory smoothies, children favorites, low sugar, and superfood smoothies. Also included are tips, ideas and a galore of nutritional information such as proper food combining, eating a variety of greens, menu planning, calender, etc. 

You will also get a mini recipe book of green juices and many vegan recipes to help you transition into and out of the cleanse. 

What kind of support will I get?

In addition to the cleanse guides and recipe books, you will have access to our members only vault with more recipes, fresh ideas, tips, inspiration and specific nutritional topics.  If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions or just want to share your story, you can post in the member only area. 

I will also be available by email, if you need further support.