
My interest in health and nutrition started when my 16 year old sister (I was 13 at the time) decided to become a vegetarian. She wanted to be healthy. She ate carrot and celery sticks and exercised a lot. Of course, being the little sister, I was fascinated and wanted to be just like her. When I was 16, I decided to become a vegetarian. I bought a few Cindy Crawford videos, ate anything that wasn't meat (hey, I was 16, I thought I knew it all) and started my mission.  This eating style continued all through high school and into my college years. I ate pizza, chips, bread, desserts, and not enough greens. My skin was broken out, I exercised a lot and still felt "soft," I was anemic, malnourished and my head didn't feel very clear. But hey, i was vegetarian, right? Didn't that mean I was healthy? In retrospect, I realize just how misinformed and unhealthy I was.
I started eating meat again a few years later, mostly because my husband at the time, was a competitive bodybuilder. He insisted that I would feel so much better if I ate meat.  And guess what? I did! My body was depleted of many nutrients and having meat temporarily filled in the gaps. I was eating hamburgers, steaks, chicken and pork (ugh! yes, you read right, my dear friends, I ate pork, and a lot of it too!)  But after a while, something still didn't feel right. I started getting horrific panic attacks. Sometimes couldn't leave my house. I was in school at the time and I almost didn't pass my classes b/c I was up all night with heart racing, sweat dripping, delusional anxiety. I could barely keep my eyes open in class during the day either because I was exhausted or in fear of another attack. I must say, there were other stresses involved, however, diet did play a big role (I will post more on this in my blogs).
To make a long story short, being the inquisitive person that I am, I started doing my own research. I didn't want to be on medication.  I went to nursing school for a time and I have a degree in Psychology. I knew that medication would just numb my emotions, but not address the root cause. I read, and read, and read. I talked to people. I discovered the wonders of homeopathy, flower remedies, tapping, and emotional healing. I was getting better.  A part of me knew this was happening to me because I needed to do the research so that I could help others with similar situations.  I had a lot to learn. But I made it!
I started my studies at New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics. I studied Chinese Medicine, Polarity Therapy, Reflexology, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Living Foods Nutrition, Core Synchronism, Flower Remedies and Homeopathy. I am now a Natural Therapeutic Specialist, Massage Therapist, Certified Core Synchronism Practitioner and White Belt Nia Dance instructor. I eat a mostly vegan/raw diet and I feel AMAZING, LIBERATED, and free from self-imposed inhibitions. I have dedicated hundreds of hours to studying the latest research on superfoods, nutrition, and longevity.  I have been very blessed to have many wise teachers in my life that have taught me more than I could imagine. I have a beautiful partner to share this journey with,  Juaquin, and his beautiful son, my Sonshine, Quinn.  I am a student of life, always inquiring, experimenting, I want to soak it all in.  I am an alchemist and my body's own physician. I believe God gave each of us the innate ability to heal ourselves if we follow natures laws. I love the earth and am saddened by it's condition. We need to get back to nature. We need to teach and empower our future generations.  I've been accused of being an "extremist" or a "new age hippie." I choose to dismiss those statements with laughter and LOVE. I am not the expert, I don't know it all. But what I do know and what I have learned, I want to share it with you and help ease the suffering of our human family. I have held the hands of too many loved ones that suffered needlessly and some that passed on way too young. It is my hope that through this blog, you too will also feel inspired, empowered and regain control of your health. Blessings.