Friday, December 3, 2010

Green Smoothie Challenge

Do you want to Lose Weight, Increase Energy Levels, Look Radiant, Cut Sugar Cravings and Feel AMAZING? 

If no, stop reading now. You won't like what you see. 

If you answered YES, then you've come to the right place. You are a green health-conscious superhero in the making! This is going to make you fly to places you've never been before!

What if 30 days is all it took to change your life FOREVER? Well, according to Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles and Chicken Soup for the Soul, it takes 30 consecutive days of doing something for it to become a regular, solid part of your daily routine.


What is a 30 day Green Smoothie Challenge?

Beginning January 1st, you will drink at least one green smoothie everyday for the next 30 days and watch an amazing transformation happen. You will discover a NEW you!  This is not about making any drastic changes. In fact, you don't have to give up anything. All you have to do is make one simple addition, add a GREEN SMOOTHIE to your daily diet.
What better time to do this than right after the holidays. If you're like most people, you've probably put on a few extra pounds and have a New Years Resolution of getting your body back. Well, here's your chance! It's Fun, Simple, and Effective.  You will find that incredible things will begin to happen in your body which will lead to incredible things happening in your life.

What do I need to get started?

Well, as you probably read in my previous post, Green Smoothies, you need a good blender, fresh greens and fresh or frozen fruit.  Of course a more powerful blender like the Vita-Mix will produce smoother, creamier smoothies, but if it's not in your budget right now, no worries, just use more water and blend for a longer period of time. Don't use it as an excuse not to get started.

What about recipes?

When you sign up, you will get a copy of my e-recipe book with over fifty green smoothie recipes categorized into easy to follow sections, such as sweet smoothies, savory smoothies, children favorites, low sugar, and superfood smoothies. Also included are tips, ideas and a galore of nutritional information such as proper food combining, eating a variety of greens, menu planning, grocery lists, calender, etc. 

What kind of support will I get?

In addition to the recipe book, every day of the challenge I will send you support emails with more recipes, fresh ideas, tips, inspiration and specific nutritional topics.  If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions or just want to share your story, I encourage you to email me. You will also receive a 30 day calender to post on your fridge to remind you of your green smoothies.  
I encourage you to take a before/after photo and keep a journal of your progress. There will also be fun contests, games and surprises for you.

How much does it cost?

I've kept the price affordable so that ANYONE can sign up and reap the benefits of RADIANT health.  It only costs $20 to participate. That is less than $1 per day!  This is WAY less than what most people spend on a starbucks coffee and a muffin everyday.

In today's diseased filled world we crave better health and our bodies cry out for better nutrition.  Give your body a chance to heal. At first the greens may not be your favorite, but as you drink/eat more, your body will start to crave them. Over time as your body becomes accustomed to such incredible nutrition you will want to eat more living foods.


Sign Me Up!


Don't Believe Me - Believe in Yourself! 

Family Support

Children love Green Smoothies! 

Another fabulous thing about Green Smoothies is that children love them! I can't think of a better way to get our finicky little eaters to get a variety greens.  Try to involve your child in making smoothies with you, maybe even coming up with their own creations. Make it fun for them. I've created theme smoothies for our little guy. We have the "Green Transformer," the "Incredible Hulk" and the "Green Chocolate," just to name a few. I've noticed that if he is allowed to add things to the blender or get the fruit and veggies ready, he is more likely to drink them up.

So, why not include your entire family in on the challenge. I believe you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Help me reach my GOAL...

My goal is that we get 1,000 people to sign up for the challenge. I would like to reach at least one person in each state. Can you imagine how many lives this could change for the better? It could be a Green Smoothie Revolution!  Now, I don't know people in all of our 50 beautiful states, but I'm sure you do. So pass the word. There is power in numbers. One is more likely to stick to a program if they have support. Of course, you will be getting plenty of cheering and support from yours truly, but getting your friends, family and co-workers involved might be just what you need to stay on track for 30 days. 

A large portion of proceeds will go to funding a bigger mission coming up this spring, on raising awareness to the alarming increase of childhood diabetes and obesity in our country. It is our hope to bring nutritional guidance and support to more schools and hospitals across the country. It's a big task, so, by signing up you are not only making a difference in your life, but you are helping to support an important cause.

Also, we can't forget to keep our planet green. I will be donating 5% of all proceeds to the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation ( Together we can help them reach their goal to collectively plant 18 billion fruit trees for a healthy planet (approximately 3 for every person alive). Fruit trees heal the environment by cleaning the air, improving soil quality, preventing erosion, creating animal habitat, sustaining valuable water sources, and providing healthy nutrition.

Sign Me Up!

Green Smoothies

You're Drinking your WHAT?!?

Most of us know the value of eating raw/living greens, but the thought of eating salads everyday is just plain boring. Really, how many ways can one prepare a salad and not get tired of it? Lets face it, the combinations are limited.  And then there is the chewing. We've all heard it, we should chew our food until it is liquid "mush" before swallowing and having another bite. This ensures that it is properly digested and we are able to absorb the nutrients properly. Chewing greens is especially important because the nutrients within the greens plant are contained with outer cellulose. The cellulose is extremely tough in order to survive. To release all the valuable nutrients from within the cells, the cell walls need to be ruptured to release the nutrients of the green plant. OMG, this could take an hour just to finish a meal!  I don't know about you all, but I"m a busy gal. I don't always have time to sit for an hour or so for a nutritious meal.

I WANT to Eat Healthy, but where do I Start?

So what is the solution if you're trying to eat healthy and avoid the temptations of fast food hell?!? As with most things in my life, I needed a solution, put the energy out to the universe, and voila - I was sitting in my shared massage office waiting for a client, when I came across a book on our bookshelf called Greens for Life, by Victoria Boutenko. Ah! The power of MANIFESTATION! I love it!

Victoria found that GREENS were the missing link in human nutrition. Through the research she found on wild chimpanzees, was their 40% green diet.
Chimps consume approx:
  • 50% Fruits
  • 40% Greens And Blossoms
  • 9% Pith, Bark, Seeds
  • 1% Insects And Animal (once in a while)
Standard American Human Diet consists of approx:
  • 60% Rice, Potato, Bread, And Pasta
  • 5% Greens
  • 5% Vegetables
  • 1% Fruits
  • 25% Animal Protein
  • 4% Oils
Typical Raw-Foodist Diet consists of approx:
  • 45% Fruit
  • 18% Vegetables
  • 16% Nuts And Seeds
  • 15% Avocados And Oils
  • 6% Greens 

According to Victoria Boutenko greens are the primary food group that match human nutritional needs most completely.


Enter Green Smoothie

The most simple, fast, easy way to get our greens. I call it Liquid Sunshine in a glass. Maybe you are asking just what a green smoothie is. The answer is rather simple. A green smoothie includes two main ingredients - fruit and greens.  Blend this up until smooth and you have a nutritious meal loaded with an abundance of vitamins, minerals antioxidants, phytonutrients, amino acids (the building blocks of protein), and chlorophyll. They are also full of fiber which your body needs for proper waster elimination.

Of course this has to be tasty if you're going to drink it right? After all they do look a bit like pond sludge, but don't be fooled, they taste AMAZING. Typically, for newbies, the ration is 60% fruit to 40% greens. As your taste buds adjust, you will want to add more greens and less fruit. 


Benefits of Green Smoothies

People that have added green smoothies as a regular part of their diet report:

* more energy
* less body aches and pain
* normalized blood sugar
* reduced or "cured" insomnia
* increased libido
* clearer thought
* better vision
* regular bowel movements
* less acne
* less illness
* easy weight loss
* reduced craving for coffee and caffeine

... and the positive benefits goes on.

Do I need a fancy blender?

Oftentimes the difference between:
"GROSS! A green smoothie"
"Yummy! Pour me another" is not the recipe but rather the texture. Chunky smoothies are not always palatable.

However, no worries, a good old regular blender will get you started, you will just have to put your ingredients in slowly, add more water and blend for a longer time. However, once you become a green smoothie addict like me, you’ll be dreaming of the ultimate green smoothie machine, the Vita-Mix or Blendtec Blender.  I have both, and personally I prefer the Vita-Mix. Both will take you to SMOOTHIE heaven. But like I mentioned before, a regular household blender will get the job done!  DO NOT let your old blender stop you. Your health must be affordable!

Green Smoothie Challenge
Alrighty my new green smoothie converts. Are you ready to put this info to the test? Ready to make a change? Then what are you waiting for? Sign up now for my Green Smoothie Challenge. Lets get GREEN and LEAN together!  When you sign up, you'll get my new ebook with over 50 green smoothie recipes and tips and a calender to track your progress. You'll also receive daily emails and videos from me with more tips, inspiration and information to help you stick to the challenge.  For more information visit my Green Smoothie Challenge Posting.

Sign Me Up!